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Sayaka Miki is generally positively received by critics, who praised her tragic arc as well as her similarities and relationship with Kyoko Sakura. Her descent into despair was also praised, with critics expressing how effectively portrayed the struggle with her ideals was. Sayaka's character and the nature of her witch have also attracted critical attention. Sayaka has also been popular amongst fans, as she places high in multiple popularity polls. Many different pieces of merchandise related to her, such as figures, plush dolls, and keychains have been released.
Sayaka Miki is Madoka Kaname's best friend since childhood and a second-year student at Mitakihara Middle School. She is a blue-haired lively tomboy with strong ideals of love and lawfulness, as well as a huge fan of classical music.[25] After she helps Madoka rescue the messenger of magic, Kyubey, she is introduced to the world of magical girls by Mami Tomoe, an experienced magical girl who fights for justice and protects people from surreal monsters called witches, and Sayaka aspires to be like her.[25][26] Mami offers to take both Sayaka and Madoka along on her witch hunts so they may learn of the responsibilities that come with being a magical girl. However, Mami gets brutally killed by a witch named Charlotte.[27] After Mami's death, Sayaka makes a contract with Kyubey and becomes a magical girl by using her wish to heal the wounded hand of Kyōsuke Kamijo, a young violinist that she is infatuated with and visits daily in the hospital.[28] She tries to assume Mami's role and believes that every magical girl should use their power to help people, and dislikes Homura Akemi and Kyoko Sakura due to their different views. She fights against Kyoko at one time due to the latter's ideals.[29]
As a magical girl, Sayaka wears a blue skirt with a white cape and gloves. Her weapon of choice is a katana that she is able to produce multiple copies of at a time. She also has a strong regenerative ability due to the healing nature of her wish.[29] Sayaka insists that her wish is selfless and feels that fighting witches to save people is a bonus, even after witnessing Mami's death.[29]
When Mami Tomoe saves her and Madoka from a witch, Kyubey explains that he wants to form a contract with Sayaka and Madoka and make them magical girls in exchange for granting them any wish.[25] Mami then offers to take them with her on a witch hunt to determine whether there is a wish they would risk their lives for.[26] After witnessing Mami's death, Sayaka becomes worried about becoming a magical girl, but later makes a contract with Kyubey in order to heal Kyōsuke's hands, a boy she is infatuated with since childhood.[28] She clashes with Kyoko Sakura over their ideals and they try to kill each other before being stopped by Homura Akemi.[29] Sayaka resents Kyoko due her selfish outlook, and Homura for misunderstanding that she let Mami get killed by a witch.[30] As Sayaka's ideals are confronted by the reality of her wish's consequences and the stress of fighting, her view of the world is slowly corrupted. She becomes hateful and distrustful towards others, including Madoka, whom she lashes out at and accuses of being selfish.[31]
After learning that her soul is no longer in her body, but in her Soul Gem, Sayaka starts to believe she is a zombie; and when her friend Hitomi Shizuki confesses to her about her love of Kyōsuke, Sayaka falls into despair and refuses all help.[32] She loses faith in her ideals and herself, which leads to her Soul Gem to corrupt and become a Grief Seed.[31] She becomes the armored Mermaid Witch Oktavia von Seckendorff. Although Kyoko and Madoka attempt to communicate with Sayaka, they realize that she is beyond help. Kyoko then performs a powerful attack to finish off Oktavia at the cost of her life.[33] It was revealed that Homura is a time traveler, and in all of the timelines, Sayaka would always despair and turn into a witch when making a contract.[34] Despite Madoka becoming a goddess and reworking the world in the final timeline, Sayaka still makes a wish in the new world, and ends up disappearing after exhausting her soul gem. Sayaka does not regret her wish and hopes that Hitomi will make Kyōsuke happy.[35]
In the 2013 sequel Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, Sayaka assists Madoka and Nagisa Momoe in saving Homura, and has received knowledge of all previous timelines as a result of becoming a part of the Law of Cycles. She shows the power to summon and manipulate witches, with her Oktavia form now an extension of her will she can summon. Sayaka states that she became an assistant to Madoka because she "regretted leaving Kyoko behind". At the end of the film, Sayaka and Nagisa were pulled from the afterlife by Homura, and given a new life and human forms in the new world. Unlike Madoka and Nagisa, Sayaka retained her memories before being subjected to Homura's power as Sayaka promises to never forget the devil that Homura had become even if she forgets everything else.
After introducing herself to Iroha and Yachiyo, Sayaka learns that magical girls become witches when their soul gem is corrupted.[38] Sayaka meets with Madoka and Homura, divulging everything she learned. Sayaka fears becoming a witch, but Madoka convinces her that they should not abandon hope, and that they should keep searching for Mami; Sayaka agrees.[39] After they return to Mitakihara city, Mami appears before them and they try to convince her to stop. They fail and are trapped in a barrier created by Alina Gray before being rescued by Kyoko, who tells them that a very powerful witch called Walpurgisnacht is coming to Kamihama city before leaving.[40][41] Sayaka, Madoka, and Homura go to Kamihama city, where they meet Mami (who had been released from her mind control) and their friends to stop the Magius and defeat Walpurgisnacht.[42]
Sayaka's character has also attracted critical attention. Japanese psychologist Takashi Tomita observed that Sayaka has the determination and clumsiness to stick to one thing when she thinks about getting it, and when she gets stuck, she easily becomes stressed. Tomita also noted that Sayaka tends to indulge self-hatred due to her strong desire for perfection.[76] Writer Mayuko Ueda said that Sayaka's self-esteem is one of her weaknesses.[8] Sara Cleto and Erin Kathleen Bahl note the elements that Oktavia (Sayaka's witch form) uses "to construct her labyrinth are drawn from her memories as well as from fairy-tale tropes, and she remixes these pieces to create multiple versions of her own memory-narrative". They compared her unrequited love story to that of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.[77] Writing for The Girl at the End of Time: Temporality, (P)remediation, and Narrative Freedom in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Forrest Greenwood notes all of the series' character designs have themes that convey their character; he says that Sayaka's design conveys her as a "forthright" character.[78] In Japanese Aesthetics and Anime: The Influence of Tradition, Dani Cavallaro writes that Sayaka's "generous outlook" is what "ultimately seals her inevitable downfall".[79]
In the book The Very Soil: An Unauthorized Critical Study of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Jed A. Blue posits that the main characters of the series suffers from different types of depressive disorders, with Sayaka's entire arc about "a story of loss and mounting despair culminating in suicide".[80] Blue also comments on Sayaka's admiration for Mami Tomoe and hatred for Homura Akemi, as Sayaka immediately cheers and admires Mami because she serves as a protector of innocents but hates and misunderstands Homura due her different role. He describes how Sayaka sees the conflict between magical girls and witches as a fight between good and evil, and eagerly decides to join the former.[81] Blue states that Sayaka only "wants to fight evil", and that she is only focused on her actions in an attempt to achieve her desired "state of being", but fails to express her true wish.[82] Blue also says that the thing that most hurts Sayaka is the moment where she regrets saving her friend Hitomi from a witch, and uses it to rationalize her "becom[ing] subhuman".[83] He also compares her unrequited love story to The Little Mermaid.[84]
Charles Pulliam-Moore from Gizmodo Australia included Sayaka in the list of "9 Magical Girl Transformation Sequences To Inspire You To Get Dressed", with Pulliam-Moore appreciating Sayaka's transformation scene for highlighting aspects of her character as well as commenting on her "bullish nature" which "is a big part of what makes her such a powerful witch".[98] 2ff7e9595c